Spatzuhüs (Sparrow House)

The Spatzuhüs offers after-school care for pupils (ABES) as well as regular and spontaneous after-school care. Furthermore playgroups and forest playgroups are offered.


On August 16, 2023, there will be the opening of our new group ABES (After School Care for Pupils) at Amselweg 10 in Visp. We offer parents of school-age children (1H-8H) the possibility to have their children taken care of by us before school, during lunch break and after school. The Spatzuhüs' ABES group offers 12 childcare spots daily. If available, the care units can be freely chosen.

Forest Playgroup Albuspatz

A family-supplementary care in the great outdoors for children aged 3 years and older for the entire school year.


Hourly care for children aged 2 years and older

Playgroup (indoors)

Family childcare for children aged 2 years and older for the entire school year.