Board and Team Spillchischta

Lidija Stalder


Associated: Board of Directors

Anette Escher

Board member

Associated: Board of Directors
Associated: Board of Directors
Associated: Board of Directors

Tina Kuonen

Board member

Associated: Board of Directors

Marc Kalbermatter

Associated: Board of Directors

Helena Mooser Theler

Founding and Honorary Member

Associated: Honorary members

Marianne Eggel

Administration and Finance

Associated: Management
Responsibility: Administration , Finance

Elisabeth Jordan


Associated: Management
Responsibility: Operations management
Function: Vocational trainer , Early Childhood Educator , Leadership SVF , Childhood educator

Regula Imboden

Stv. Operations Manager, Division Manager Open Day School Structures, Group Leader TakaTuka Land

Associated: Open day school structures
Responsibility: Operations management , Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Early Childhood Educator , Leadership SVF

Caroline Bärenfaller-Kämpfen

Responsibility: Administration

Carmen Albrecht-Burgener

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator

Lynn Anthamatten

Group leader Chrabblstuba

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre / open day school structures
Function: Childcare specialist in training
Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Rahel Bregy

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator

Valerie Croft

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist , Specialist for infants and very young children

Celine Dirren

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist in training

Charlotte Furrer

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Jacqueline Furrer

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Co-educator

Manuela Gattlen

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator

Jenny Grand

Group leader Chrabblchischta

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Nadja Grichting

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Susanne Greber

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist

Pascale Heinzmann

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist

Riana Henzen

Group leader Chischtuhockär

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Nathalie Hischier

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Elena Imhof

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist in training

Geraldine Imhof

Group leader Chrabbler LaPoste

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Sandrine Jerjen

Group leader Kleinkinder Satellit

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Andrea Karlen

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Social pedagogue

Larissa Kalbermatter

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist in training

Daniela Karlen-Studer

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Klaudia Kludzikowska

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Childcare specialist
Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Social internship
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist

Sandra Kurrle

Associated: Day care centre , Open day school structures / after-school care for children
Function: Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator

Aurelia Lerjen

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Co-educator

Janine Manz-Zenhäusern

Associated: Day school structures / day nursery / day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Evelyne Oggier

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Lorena Palumbo

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Early Childhood Educator

Claudia Pianzola

Associated: Open day school structures
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Early Childhood Educator

Nicole Pollinger-Wicky

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator

Claudia Rohner-Bürgler

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Svenja Salzmann

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Social internship

Fabienne Schmid

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Joey-Ann Schmid

Group leader Kuschlbärä

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist in training

Cornelia Seiler-Werlen

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Nuria Seitz

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist

Daniela Sterren

Group leader Villa Kunterbunt

Associated: Open day school structures
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Childcare

Xenia Walker

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist in training

Kerstin Wyer

Group leader Pippilotta

Associated: Open day school structures / after-school care for children
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Vocational trainer , Early Childhood Educator
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Childcare specialist in training
Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Social internship

Jessica Zimmermann

Associated: Day care centre
Responsibility: Group management
Function: Childcare specialist
Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator

Nathalie Zimmermann

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Katja Zurbriggen

Associated: Day care centre
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader

Corinne Zurbriggen

Associated: Day care centre , Open day school structures
Function: Co-educator
Associated: Day care centre / open day school structures
Function: Co-educator

Marliese Zurwerra-Escher

Associated: Open day school structures
Function: Co-educator , Playgroup leader


Training places: Childcare specialist

We allocate the training places for childcare specialists in an internal selection procedure among the interns in the company. If this is not the case, we will advertise the positions in the Upper Valais media in November/December. Please do not send blind applications for apprenticeships.

Co-teachers without pedagogical training (copy)

approx. 20% plus great flexibility for sickness and holiday representatives

To complement our team, we are looking for open day school structures

Co-teacher without pedagogical training
for lunch and pre- and post-school care

Entry by agreement

Please send your application with the usual documents to: Kindertagesstätte Spillchischta, Elisabeth Jordan, Wichelgasse 16, 3930 Visp

Social trainees


Social trainees

To obtain the secondary school leaving certificate Social work

From August 2023 to July 2024

Please send your written application with the usual documents to:

info@spillchischta. ch


Elisabeth Jordan

Wichelgasse 16

3930 Visp


Early childhood educator/ specialist for childcare


Early childhood educator/childcare specialist

Please send your application documents to:

Spillchishta day care centre

Elisabeth Jordan

Wichelgasse 16

3930 Visp