Merger project Baltschieder - Eggerberg - Visp/Eyholz

The municipal councils of the three municipalities of Baltschieder, Eggerberg and Visp have spoken out in favour of the preparation of a basic report that examines the possibilities and potentials of a municipal merger and clarifies the framework conditions for its implementation.

The three communities are already working together in various areas. Project management is in the hands of the three community presidents René Abgottspon (Baltschieder), Ivan Wasmer (Eggerberg) and Niklaus Furger (Visp/Eyholz). Under the direction of project manager Klaus Zurschmitten, the basic report is currently being prepared. The process is participatory: the municipal councils of all the merger municipalities, the various specialist departments (experts from the municipal administrations) and representatives from the population are contributing in working groups and workshops.
